Microsoft edge offline installer 2021
Microsoft edge offline installer 2021

microsoft edge offline installer 2021

  • Launch Progressive Web App (PWA) directly via protocol links.
  • If for some reason, you don't want Microsoft Edge to block vulnerable protocol handlers and allow known-safe pairings, use the toggle in edge://settings/content/applicationLinks, or set the AutoLaunchProtocolsComponentEnabled policy to False. This protects customers from dangerous schemes (for example, a protocol handler with a 0-day) while eliminating prompts from known-safe pairings (for example, the Teams website can open the Teams client app).

    microsoft edge offline installer 2021

    Microsoft Edge 96 introduces the AutoLaunch Protocols Component that contains lists of scheme-origin dictionaries to automatically allow or block.

  • Microsoft Edge AutoLaunch Protocols Component.
  • For more information on how to configure WSUS updates for Microsoft Edge, see Update Microsoft Edge. WSUS and Catalog updates for Microsoft Edge channels (Stable, Beta, and Dev) will now apply to Windows Server SKUs that have Microsoft Edge installed, including Windows Server 2022. This capability gives admins an easier servicing process for offline devices. IT Admins using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to update Microsoft Edge will also be able to update Microsoft Edge WebView2 using WSUS.

    microsoft edge offline installer 2021

  • Update Microsoft Edge WebWiew2 using WSUS.
  • For more information, see this FAQ: My application requires transferring POST data between IE mode and Microsoft Edge. You can specify which data types should be included using the InternetExplorerIntegrationComplexNavDataTypes policy. Referrer headers, post data, forms data, and request methods will be forwarded correctly across the two experiences. Starting with this version of Microsoft Edge, navigations between Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer mode will include form data and additional HTTP headers.
  • Improved handoff between IE mode and the modern browser.
  • To learn more, see the Cloud Site List Management for IE mode (Public Preview) article. You can access the Cloud Site List Management feature using the Microsoft Edge Site Lists experience in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. Cloud Site List Management lets you manage your site lists for IE mode in the cloud without needing an on-premises infrastructure to host your organization's site list.
  • Cloud Site List Management for IE mode in Public Preview.

  • Microsoft edge offline installer 2021